
Monday, 26 September 2016

Global Manual Wheelchair Market 2018 : Market Segmentation, Application Analysis and Market Forecast - Acute Market Reports

Product Synopsis
Acute Market Reports announces that it has a new study on Manual Wheelchair Market Shares and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2012-2018. The 2012 study has 365 pages, 110 tables and figures.
Reimbursement drives manual wheelchair markets. People pay for medical insurance and medical insurance pays for wheelchairs. The government provides people over age 65 with medical insurance in the US. New initiatives provide for universal healthcare coverage. In many parts of the developed world, there is complete medical coverage provided by the government, though working people tend to supplement government coverage with medical insurance.
As the population ages, people are more frail and need assistance for mobility. Hospital and homecare wheelchair technology is evolving to give people with disabilities more mobility. Mobility depends on a wheelchair that is fit to purpose. Are people going to move themselves? Are they going to be pushed around? Is the wheelchair used for sports? Many issues impact the choice of a wheelchair, including cost and reimbursement availability.
Markets are poised to create the ability for people to get more exercise and impact the healthcare delivery industry by encouraging mobility of people who were previously bed ridden. Wheelchairs impact care delivery, permitting the patient to control mobility for the rehabilitation efforts. Lightweight wheel chairs give patients the ability to control movement. Transport wheelchairs are used for moving patients from the bed to another place. Patients and family gain more control over the care delivery with the availability of transport wheelchairs. Care can be delivered in familiar settings
Manual Wheelchair Market Driving Forces
Wheelchair Market Shares
Standard Wheelchair Market Forecasts
1.1 Health Care Cost Containment Trends
1.1.1 Reimbursement Trends
1.1.2 US Health Expenditures Inflated By For-Profit Basic Insurance Entities
1.1.3 Chronic Illness
1.1.4 Home Health Care And Home Medical Equipment
1.1.5 Changing Home Health Care Market Distribution Channels
1.1.6 Mainstreaming Of People With Disabilities
1.1.7 Recovery And Active Lifestyles Of Disabled Portion of the Population
1.1.8 Healthcare Equipment Industry Changes
1.1.9 Reimbursement Drives Healthcare Equipment Industry
1.1.10 Prospective Payment System (PPS)
1.1.11 Hospital / Home Services Billing Issues
1.1.12 Managed Care Requirements
1.2 Market Drivers For Healthcare Cost Containment
1.2.1 Managed Care Organization Impact
1.2.2 Reasons Home Health Care Has Gained Wide-Spread Acceptance
1.2.3 Managed Care Change In The Healthcare Industry
1.2.4 Homecare For People With Long Term Disabilities
1.3 Market-Driven Reforms
1.3.1 Home Medical Equipment Industry Segments
1.3.2 Marketing Locally
1.3.3 U.S. Healthcare Delivery Industry
1.3.4 Competition Forms Basis Of U.S. Medical Care Services Delivery
1.3.5 European Homecare Market Trends
1.4 Wheel Chair Distribution Channels
1.5 Lightweight and Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair Characteristics
2.1 Manual Wheelchair Market Driving Forces
2.2 Wheelchair Market Shares
2.2.1 Invacare Positioning
2.2.2 Lightweight and Ultra Lightweight Custom Wheelchair Market Shares
2.2.3 Invacare® Top End® Crossfire
2.2.4 Sunrise Medical Positioning
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