
Monday, 26 September 2016

Market overview - 2021 : Global 2D X-Ray Equipment Industry Size, Application Analysis, Growth Trends and Forecasts - Acute Market Reports

Product Synopsis
Acute Market Reports announces that it has published a new study 2-D X-Ray Equipment: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021. The 2015 study has 256 pages, 109 tables and figures. Worldwide 2-D X-Ray equipment markets are increasingly diversified, poised to achieve significant growth as new technology breathes new life into a saturated market, forcing every facility to upgrade its existing x-ray equipment to have digital and therapeutic capability.

Any hospital that wishes to remain competitive needs to invest in new 2-D x-ray equipment. As patients become more conscious of the risks associated with radiation doses. They increasingly demand the lowest dose available and will shop around until they find a hospital that suits their needs. Clinicians and providers are the same way.WinterGreen Research, INC. Worldwide digital X-ray applications are implemented with different technologies. Portability has become a major market factor. Products are customized to fit the needs of the clinician end user. Price and geography play a major part in the market. They are positioned in the market by application.

Growth is anticipated based on technological advances, government investment, aging population, increase in disease prevalence, and the increasing competition from larger numbers of systems being approved. X-Ray technology is far less expensive and results in as much as 400 times less dosage to the patient than a CT scan.

As hospital budgets remain constrained, hospital administrators prefer the workflow improvements brought by modern digital x-ray equipment. The high capital cost of MRI and CT scans work against

further investment in those technologies. There is a significant installed base, the large capital outlays for MRI and CT have been made, so now the issue becomes efficacy and radiation dose to the patient. Imaging equipment investment works in favor of modern digital x-ray equipment that offers significant workflow improvements and significantly more clear images.

Maximizing patient care by lowering the radiation dose and minimizing cost-of-ownership in working in favor of further investment in x-ray equipment. By improving workflow, modern digital x-ray systems improve the quality of care delivery.

Many studies show that the CT equipment and MRI equipment is over used. Insurers are beginning to clamp down on this further driving investment in X-Ray equipment. There is a rising prevalence of X-ray equipment target diseases This is directly attributable to the aging of the population. Mobile equipment is able to improve workflow and decrease the waste in healthcare delivery.
Continuous advances in technology are driving the growth of the digital X-ray market. Innovative devices are based on software and new materials. There is an uptick in procedures for an aging and
increasingly unhealthy population. This is coupled with an increasing demand for minimally invasive
surgery, spurring adoption of diagnostic systems.
The market for diagnostic imaging and informatics is changing as pathology and point of care diagnostics provide far more insight into patient condition than has been able previously. Vendors position in the xray market by combining a unique portfolio to create complete and integrated solutions for definitive diagnosis.
Improvements in diagnostics achieved with new x-ray technology are anticipated to have huge impact on healthcare quality and cost. Vendors are positioned to create a stronger competitive position for their care services delivery clients. WinterGreen Research, INC.
Healthcare X-Ray Market Driving Forces 33
Rising Prevalence Of Diseases Requiring X-Ray 35
2D X-Ray Systems Market Driving Forces 37
2D X-Ray Systems Market Shares 40
2D X-Ray Systems Market Forecasts 42
1.1 X-Ray Technology 44
1.1.1 X-Ray Equipment Radiography 44
1.2 High-Density Line-Scan Solid State Detection Based Digital X-Ray Systems And Flat Panel Detection Based Digital X-Ray Systems 45
1.2.1 Cardiology Radiology 45
1.3 X-Ray Digital Workflow 47
1.4 Approaches to Dose Reduction in Women's Health 52
1.5 Sports Medicine Portable X-Ray Units 52

2.1 Healthcare X-Ray Market Driving Forces 56
2.1.1 Rising Prevalence Of Diseases Requiring X-Ray 58
2.1.2 2D X-Ray Systems Market Driving Forces 60
2.2 2D X-Ray Systems Market Shares 63
2.2.1 Philips Expands Global Reach Of Diagnostic X-Ray Solutions 66
2.2.2 Philips X-ray Business 67
2.2.3 Siemens Aim Fast 68

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