Showing posts with label Rehabilitation Robots Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rehabilitation Robots Market. Show all posts

Monday, 26 September 2016

New Study 2022 - Global Rehabilitation Robots Market Size, Growth, Trends, Industry Analysis and Forecast – By Acute Market Reports

Acute Market Reports announces that it has published a new study Rehabilitation Robots:  Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2016 to 2022.  The 2016 study has 774 pages, 296 tables and figures.  Worldwide markets are poised to achieve significant growth as the rehabilitation robots, active prostheses, and exoskeletons are used inside rehabilitation treatment centers and sports facilities providing rehabilitation for all patients with injuries or physical dysfunction.

Research has found that by actively engaging stroke patients in repetitive tasks, the brain is able to rewire neurological pathways to motor functions.  In this manner patients who have lost functions are able to relearn movement.  The awareness and movement of hemiparetic limbs can occur and functional recovery can continue even years after the brain injury.  Much of the damage to a brain comes from lack of oxygen, even brief lack of oxygen is detrimental to the brain.  The ability to recover is an ongoing process, something that robotic therapy over time will help.

Now, the reimbursement times for physical therapy are limited, and clinicians tell patients that everything that can be done has been done after a relatively short time.  Robotic rehabilitation can continue after services are no longer paid for, giving people longer recovery times and more hope to regain lost function.

Robotic rehabilitation devices are based on automated process, use of a motor or use of microprocessor technology controlled by software.  Rehabilitation robot vendors have set out to create repetitive process that works to help people improve their physical well being using a robot, to improve more than they would without the robot.  Improvements come because of a reduction in the cost of care delivery, making the rehabilitation more affordable and therefore able to be continued longer, or because of a reduction in boredom.

Lack of knowledge about what protocols would work for a particular patient in a particular situation contributes to lack of rehabilitation benefit and patients stuck without optimum movement. Rehabilitation robots can be customized to create automated process that is responsive to patient needs.

Robotic rehabilitation devices use automated process to motivate patients and help them to improve their motor abilities.  Motors are used to drive continuous motion machines to build muscle tone.   Advances in robotics and bionics help therapists diagnose more precisely, increase clinic efficiencies, and reach more patients.   Robotic physical therapy technologies improve patient engagement and HEP compliance.  All better patient experience in turn leads to improved outcomes.

Because of the longer treatment cycle with rehabilitation robotics and extra motivation provided from incremental improvement, people get better than they might have otherwise.
Devices precisely record the patient performance during the training.  Metrics gathered can be used to analyze and document the therapy progress.  Graphical presentation of information about improvement can be used to further motivate patients to use the robotic devices for even more rehabilitation.

Relearning of lost functions in a patient depends on stimulation of desire to conquer the disability.  The rehabilitation robots can show patients progress and keep the progress occurring, encouraging patients to work on getting healthier.  Independent functioning of patients depends on intensity of treatment, task-specific exercises, active initiation of movements and motivation and feedback.  Rehabilitation robots can assist with these tasks in multiple ways.  Creating a gaming aspect to the rehabilitation process has brought a significant improvement in systems.

As patients get stronger and more coordinated, a therapist can program the robot to let them bear more weight and move more freely in different directions, walking, kicking a ball, or even lunging to the side to catch one. The robot can follow the patient’s lead as effortlessly as a ballroom dancer, its presence nearly undetectable until it senses the patient starting to drop and quickly stops a fall.  In the later stages of physical therapy, the robot can nudge patients off balance to help them learn to recover.

Rehabilitation Robot Executive Summary 50
Rehabilitation Robot Market Driving Forces 50
Rehabilitation Robots Assistive Devices 53
Rehabilitation Robots Decrease the Cost of Recovery 54
Rehabilitation Robot Medical Conditions Treated 56
Robotic Modules for Disability Therapy 57
Wearable Robotics for Disability Therapy 58
Rehabilitation Robots Leverage Principles Of Neuroplasticity 60
Rehabilitation Robot Market Shares 61
Rehabilitation Robot Market Forecasts 63

1. Rehabilitation Robot Market Description and Market Dynamics 65
1.1 Stroke Rehabilitation 65
1.1.1 Stroke Protocols 65
1.1.2 Rehabilitation Medicine: New Therapies in Stroke Rehabilitation 66
1.1.3 Botulinum Toxin Injections 67
1.1.4 Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) 68
1.1.5 Dynamic Splinting 69
1.1.6 Electrical Stimulation 69
1.1.7 Robotic Therapy Devices 69
1.1.8 Partial Body Weight-Supported Treadmill70
1.1.9 Virtual Reality (including Wii-hab) 70
1.1.10 Brain Stimulation 71

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